
Voice User Interface Designer (VUI)
User Researcher


Mar-Apr 2022


Alexa Voice Assistant


Amazon Alexa Developer Console


Voice User Interfaces have already gained popularity and most of us use them in our daily lives to accomplish simple tasks like ‘play music’ or control ‘smart home devices.

While working on this VUI project, I learned how Alexa voice interactions work through different sets of programming and logic. A skill is a program that consists of several parts like:

Smart Chef is an Alexa skill, which could be used with Alexa-compatible devices. It will help users find and prepare quick and simple recipes in their everyday busy lives. The users can simply interact to receive recipe options, instructions, and tips while cooking meals at home. In this case study, I have included:
  • Personas
  • Intents & Slots
  • User Stories
  • Sample Dialogs
  • User Flow
  • Voice Scripts
  • Usability Testing
  • VoiceFlow Demo
  • Learnings/Next Steps


Young professionals often find it challenging to make time to cook meals amidst their busy schedules. They also don’t want to compromise their health by eating outside. Books, cooking videos & apps are not helpful while cooking in the kitchen because they don’t like:

Hence, they look for resources that will assist them to prepare meals at home which are quick, simple, and healthy.


Young professionals often find it challenging to make time to cook meals amidst their busy schedules. They also don’t want to compromise their health by eating outside.

Books, cooking videos & apps are not helpful while cooking in the kitchen because they don’t like:

  • To turn the pages or scroll a screen for instructions with their dirty hands
  • To rush with recipe steps of the chefs in the videos and fails to focus on their immediate task

Hence, they look for resources that will assist them to prepare meals at home which are quick, simple, and healthy.


Voice user interfaces could be a great solution for this problem as it will offer users:

  • The freedom to control or engage with the skill simply by using their voice while they use their hands only to prep/cook in the kitchen
  • The ability to follow the recipe at their own pace by focusing on their immediate task


Voice user interfaces could be a great solution for this problem as they will offer users:


I conducted a competitive analysis and user interviews, which helped me to discover the problems with the existing cookbooks, cooking apps & websites. The users feel restricted while using these resources in their daily life because:


User Persona

The user persona is based on the user interviews I had conducted that had helped me to understand user’s expectations, concerns, and motivations, and it fits the criteria because:

System Persona

A smart and witty voice plays an effective role in gaining the trust of users and making an impact in their everyday lives.The system persona I have selected fits the criteria because:

Intents & Slots

Created visual maps and nested the intents based on the different scenarios including utterance, wake word, slots, and inferences.

User Stories

My user stories are based on insights derived from user needs and experience. This helped me to plan the design process further for the application and situation. The following user stories are created based on the four high-level functional requirements:

Provide recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks

As a student, I want fast and cheap, and healthy meal options, so that I do not spend a lot on buying groceries being on a budget.

As a mother, I want quick lunch recipe options that I can prepare within 10-15 mins.

Allow the user to choose their preferred meal

As a lactose intolerant person, I want to be able to choose recipes that do not include dairy products, so that I don’t get sick.

As someone who travels a lot, I want recipes from different cuisines that could be made easily at home, so that I do not crave them.

Provide an adequate number of meal choices for the user to get value from the app

As a perfectionist, I want to experiment with the same recipes that I prepare every day with some new ingredients so that I can enjoy different flavors.

When I have friends over, I want to learn uncomplicated starter recipe ideas, so that I can flaunt my cooking skills.

Provide recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks

As a novice cook, I want to be able to review steps multiple times, so that I can make sure of the measurements.

When I am cooking something new, I want to be able to pause and resume, so that I can catch up at my own pace without being rushed.

Sample Dialogs

I created these sample Dialogs based on the user stories that are the most compelling. This gives an idea of what the app does, has the richest back and forth, covers the most common errors I think that users might encounter, or highlight the key functionalities of the recipe skill.

User Flow

I created a user flow to establish the structure of the voice interface that demonstrates all the possible ways that a user can interact with the system. It maps out all the possible inputs and identifies any issues or additional use cases.

However, the process to create the user flow was a little challenging since there were so many intents based on the scenarios, which needed to be addressed within the flow to make everything aligned with the user’s needs.

Click here to view full user flow in Miro

Voice Scripts

Voice Scripts are created by keeping in mind the interaction that will occur between the system and the users to receive instructions, ideas, tips, and assistance while planning and cooking meals in their kitchen.

Usability Testing

Conducted remote moderated usability testing with 5 potential users through Amazon Developer Console. Each session lasted for about 10-15 minutes using Zoom.

The high-level research goals were:
1. To determine whether users can successfully invoke & launch the skill
2. To observe how users are navigating Smart chef & accomplishing the primary tasks:
     • Finding & choosing a recipe
     • Following step-by-step instructions for a recipe
     • Repeating a recipe step

Task Findings

1. Participants tried to invoke the skill or launch the app for the first time
  • 2/5 participants successfully launched the skill by using the action word ‘open’
  • 1/5 participants tried an incorrect command ‘show me smart chef’ which was not added to the Smart chef utterances list. As a result, the skill failed to launch and directed the user to some external links

The above issue was resolved when the user repeated the same action word ‘show’ but asked for a recipe from Smart chef.

2. Participants tried to choose a recipe from Smart chef skill
  • 2/5 participants were unable to choose a recipe and received the same system response, "No, there was a problem with the requested skill's response.” This happened when:
      • When 1st user said ‘no’ to hearing the next recipe
      • When the 2nd user said ‘dinner recipe’ (to select a recipe for a particular meal type), which was not added to the utterance list

The above issue will be resolved by adding new phrases in Amazon Developer Console.

  • 1/5 participants did not like the fact that they could not choose a recipe of their choice but were forced to choose a meal type to select a recipe

The above issue is resolved by adding the required utterances.

3. Participants followed the recipe step
  • 5/5 participants successfully completed the task by following the instructions  
  • 5/5 participants strongly felt that the action words ‘next’, and ‘continue’ were:
       • Easy to remember
       • Diction matched with their every usage of phrases & words
  • 2/5 participants recommended having the information “When you are ready just say continue, repeat step, or start over.” With at least Steps 2 & 3 so that they don’t have difficulty recalling what they need to do next

The above issue will be resolved by revising the codes and adding system commands under Amazon Developer Console.

4. Participants tried to repeat a recipe step
  • 5/5 participants successfully completed the task to repeat a recipe step
  • 2/5 participants did not like the fact that they could not choose to repeat a particular step of their choice or go to the ingredients list to check if they got everything

The above issue will be resolved by revising the codes and adding system commands under Amazon Developer Console.

Click here to view full Usability Test Report

What users said...

See it in action

Demo of the users' interaction with SmartChef in Voiceflow.

Next Steps

As with any project, some things worked well, and others didn't. One of my biggest learnings was that users' way of interacting with the VUI is quite challenging since they tend to leave the skill in no time if they don’t get answers within seconds.

To solve the above problem few things will be added as part of 2nd iteration: